Little Fawns Pre-school-01


In July 2019 we were awarded a "GOOD" rating following an inspection by Ofsted

Nicki Saunderson, Manager, 24th July 2019 - "I am happy to announce that our latest Ofsted Report has today been published online and can now be read via the Ofsted website. I am proud to say that we got a 'Good' in all areas with some outstanding aspects, which is fantastic under the current Inspection Framework for a small packaway pre-school. The inspector has made some really lovely comments"

Inspection date 3 July 2019

The quality and standards of the early years provision : Good

Effectiveness of leadership and management : Good

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment : Good

Personal development, behaviour and welfare : Good

Outcomes for children : Good

July 2019 Ofsted report - East Farleigh Pre-school



We have clear and simple policies covering a multitude of subjects from Children's rights to staff induction, from administration of medicine to bad weather, everything is covered.  They are reviewed by the management team regularily and signed off by the full committee.  All are then re-adopted at the AGM pre-meeting.

Parents are required to review these documents, and they are made available on a web repository or as hard-copies in a folder. One copy is available at all times in the setting for reference.

Our Safeguarding policy is available to view via the link below.


Our Fees from September 2024 start at £17.60 per session.

We accept Childcare vouchers.

We accept all funding types including universal 3 and 4 year olf funding, free-for-2 funding and working parent funding.

Our full fee structure is detailed in the document below.